
Affichage des articles du mai, 2021
My Career as a Criminologist My Career as a Criminologist A hypertext narrative by Megan Bédard Created with The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker Next Word count: 1151 Choice count: 31 Section count: 21 Image count: 21 Error count: 0 Field Related Analysis Education : 52 matches ( choice, classes, college, diploma, first, grades, homework, library, register, social, teachers, technology, university) Law : 25 matches ( act, arrested, assault, court, criminology, documents, escape, fact, family, homeless person, house, information, inmate, mortgage, office, paralegal, register, reputation) Dance : 20 matches ( back, break, face, out, position, slow, social) Target Structure come in handy (1 match) foot in the door (1 match) internship (6 matches) invaluable (1 match) mortgage (1 match) office politics (1 match) ojt (1 match) pensi...