My Career as a Criminologist My Career as a Criminologist A hypertext narrative by Megan Bédard Created with The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker Next Word count: 1151 Choice count: 31 Section count: 21 Image count: 21 Error count: 0 Field Related Analysis Education : 52 matches ( choice, classes, college, diploma, first, grades, homework, library, register, social, teachers, technology, university) Law : 25 matches ( act, arrested, assault, court, criminology, documents, escape, fact, family, homeless person, house, information, inmate, mortgage, office, paralegal, register, reputation) Dance : 20 matches ( back, break, face, out, position, slow, social) Target Structure come in handy (1 match) foot in the door (1 match) internship (6 matches) invaluable (1 match) mortgage (1 match) office politics (1 match) ojt (1 match) pensi...
Affichage des articles du mai, 2021